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 Mississippi Registry of 

  Interpreters for the Deaf

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Constitution and Bylaws

of the

Mississippi Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Article I


     This organization shall be known as the Mississippi Chapter of Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (MSRID). The

area of this Chapter shall include the State of Mississippi.

Article II

Mission Statement

     It is the mission of the Mississippi Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf to provide state and local forums and an

organizational structure for the continued growth and development of the professions of interpretation and

transliteration of American Sign Language and English.

Article III


1. Categories of Membership

      A. Regular Members: This category is for persons working in a field pertaining to ASL and English                  interpretation or transliteration, in good standing with the Chapter, and adhering to the Code of                  Professional Conduct (CPC) set forth by RID and the National Association of the Deaf (NAD).                          Regular members that hold both national (regular or associate) and affiliate chapter membership                  may vote and hold office.

B. Student Members: This category is for persons taking six (6) or more credit hours at an accredited         institute of higher education, in good standing with

the Chapter, and adhering to the CPC set forth by NAD and RID.

C. Associate Members: This category is for persons interested in supporting the goals and purposes          of this Chapter and RID. Associate members may not vote or hold office.

D. Organizational Members: This category is for persons interested in supporting mission and goals           of this Chapter and RID. Organizational members and their representatives may not vote or hold                 office.

2. A member in good standing shall:

A. Pay annual dues by the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1)

B. Adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct as set forth by NAD and RID.

3. Dues

A. Membership dues will be set by the voting membership on recommendation of the Executive Board.

B. Members will pay the correct dues for the appropriate membership category.

C. Only current regular members that hold both RID and Chapter membership may vote and hold               office.

D. or continuing membership to be current, dues must be paid within thirty (30) days of the due date.

E. For former members rejoining, the total amount of the annual dues will be paid.

4. Voting Rights and Requirements:

A. In order to be a voting member in MSRID, a person must be a member in good standing with RID            and this Chapter.

B. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote in meetings, referenda, and elections.

C. Any decision of the Executive Board may be vetoed by a two-thirds majority of those eligible and           voting during a regular or special meeting of the

membership or through mail/email referendum.

5. Termination of Membership: An individual’s membership may be terminated for non-payment of dues as outlined in the MSRID Bylaws.

Article IV


     The affairs of MSRID shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of: president, vice president, secretary,

treasurer, three board members, and the immediate past president. The Executive Board shall be current, active

members of MSRID and regular or associate members of RID.

1. Terms of Office

A. Officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall not be allowed to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position.

B. Board members shall be elected for a term of three years and may serve two terms. Board members will be on a three-year rotating cycle. Board members may be hearing, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.

C. The immediate past president shall serve ex-officio for one term if applicable.

D. All terms of office shall follow the membership year.

2. General Duties:

A. President

i. Represents the Chapter in all appropriate activities

ii. Presides at meetings of the members and/or directors

iii. Appoints committees

iv. Has the authority to co-sign checks with the treasurer or any other designated person through action of the Executive Board.

v. Provides at least quarterly reports to the membership concerning business and Executive Board activities and financial status of the Chapter.

B. Vice-President

i. In the absence or disability of the president, the vice-president shall assume all

duties of the president.

ii. Assist in the training of incoming board members and committeechairs.

 C. Secretary

i. Keeps completed and accurate record of the proceedings of theExecutive board.

ii. Supervises the keeping of all Chapter records.

iii. Has the authority to co-sign checks with the president or anyother person designated through action of the Executive Board.

iv. Tracks meetings of RID committees; track deafness/interpretingrelated events.

D. Treasurer

i. Oversee MSRID’s overall financial position.
ii. Assist with preparing the Chapter’s annual budget andpresenting it to the board.
iii. Monitor income and expenditures by comparing the actual andbudgeted figures.
iv. Review financial statements (usually quarterly) and present themto the board.
v. Stay abreast of Chapter activities and be prepared to offerpractical suggestions and advice.
vi. Consult with RID national office leadership on programs andservices (new and old) which impact the budget.
vii. Chair the Finance Committee.
viii. Meet with auditor when applicable to review annual reports.
ix. Comply with annual tax requirements set forth by RID and theInternal Revenue Service, sending annual income tax reports toRID.

x. Meet regularly with the president and other board members.

E. Member-at-Large:

i. Works with Executive Board, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication          in and among members.

F. Immediate Past President:

i. Serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity for one term

ii. Assist the president during the transition into office

iii. Serve as an advisor to the president and may assume specialassignments as determined by the president

iv. May attend board meetings

3. Vacancies:

Any vacancy on the Executive Board will be filled by action of theExecutive Board in a majority vote.

Board members will nominate members in goodstanding for the position to be filled, and upon their

consent, vote on thenominations to fill the vacancy.

 Article V


     Committees, whether standing or temporary, shall be formed and/or dissolved asnecessary and shall be

appointed by the president with the consent and approval ofthe Executive Board. The terms of a committee will be

established at the time thecommittee is formed. Committees will report to the Executive Board and/or

general membership meeting by invitation concerning the work of their


Article VI

Dissolution Procedure

      In the event MSRID is dissolved, after all liabilities and responsibilities are met, anyassets, real and personal

property, shall be transferred to a deaf, hard of hearing,deaf-blind, or interpreter related organization to be

determined by the ExecutiveBoard in compliance with RID.

Article VII

Parliamentary Authority

      Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall be parliamentary authority governingdeliberations of this

organization. A parliamentarian may be appointed by thepresident to serve in the allotted term of the current

president. Each president mayappoint a new parliamentarian if applicable. 

Article VIII


     This Constitution and Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed by a majorityvote of the members present at

any regular or special meeting. Written notice ofthe meeting and copies of proposed amendments must be sent by

the secretary toall voting members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Article IX

Non-Discrimination Policy

       MSRID shall not discriminate in the matter of membership or criterion for theExecutive Board on the basis of

age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, hearing status,national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. 

Article X

Fiscal Year/Membership Year

      The fiscal year of MSRID shall begin on the first (1st) day of July and end on thethirty-first (31st) day of June. The

membership year of MSRID shall follow the fiscalyear and begin on the first (1st) day of July and end on the thirty-

first (31st) day ofJune. 

Article XI


1. MSRID shall hold general membership meetings at least once quarterly. Special meetings may be called as necessary.

2. MSRID shall hold Executive Board Meetings seven (7) to twenty-one (21) daysprior to general membership meetings. Meetings can be held using current technology unless otherwise specified by the president.

3. MSRID shall make every effort to notify members one week in advance when it isnecessary to dispense of a general membership meeting.

Mississippi Registry of

Interpreters for the Deaf

P.O. Box 820321

Vicksburg, MS 39182

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